
TSTM Inc. is a company founded on safety. Our products were developed after a catastrophic event that occurred due to 480 volts present at a metering application. The severity of this event prompted our founder Greg May to develop the products we sell today.

Even with our products available in the market, the presence of high voltages in metering applications still exist. With the cost and ease of installation of TSTM products, there seems to be no reason to expose any utility workers to the dangers of high voltages located in close proximity to each other, and to ground in metering applications.

Using real world estimates, based on research, our products, and any necessary connections to a new or existing metering application, will cost less than 1 hour in a hospital burn unit after an Arc Flash event.

Utilities that specify use of TSTM products are willing to invest in the safety of their workforce, making workers the top priority.